What is the acai berry fruit blast? Unknown to a lot of us, there is almost a silent yet very forceful buzz forming all around us; for some people feel by instinct that something great is happening though they can't pin point exactly what it is. Well, I can tell you that it is nothing, but the buzz caused by the wonder fruit from Brazil called the Acai berry. People are buying the fruit everyday, and some are looking for acai fruit discount. With the entry of Acai berry into the scene, the notion hitherto held that the blueberry contained the highest amount of nutrients comprising mostly of antioxidants has gone with the wind.
It is the antioxidants that stabilize and neutralize the free radicals formed in the body as a bi-product during metabolism of cells. The free radicals damage healthy cells making them to deteriorate which forms the basis and origin of the process of aging. If the free radicals were allowed a free run without being neutralized by antioxidants, the aging process will be accelerated with resulting frequent illnesses and disease. Further, the take over of healthy cells by free radicals result in damage to DNA and laying the foundation for cancers to develop.
The role played by the antioxidants by keeping the free radicals at bay to enhance and maintain our good health and general well being should now be clear to all of us. The Acai berry is packed with antioxidants and also anthocyanins, a still richer type of antioxidant that through their dominance over the free radicals provide protection for us from several adverse health conditions like cataracts, varicose veins, peptic ulcers, heart diseases, cancer and many others.
Blueberries or even red wines don't have anthocyanins anywhere near what Acai berry has. Antioxidants are only one of Acai's high points. Its protein content is almost that of an egg; besides being a multivitamin fruit rich in fatty acids, amino acids, calcium, fiber, vitamins A, B and C and many others. So find some acai berry on sale today! The Acai berry is also a rich source of energy with drinking some juice being sufficient to give a full day's quota of energy we require. Acai is not only for the sickly, elderly and the infirm. Even for those in the prime of health and fitness, Acai is just fine to give the required balanced nutritional diet for enhanced physical energy and greater mental alertness.
Acai cannot be obtained in original berry form since it has an extremely short shelf life span after being harvested. The next best freeze-dried Acai berry comes in various forms like pulp, smoothies, juice, powder, tablets, capsules etc. However, the best form to get it in would be as freeze-dried powder often made available in the form of acai berry fruit blast supplements.
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