Why avoid Acai products that use the seeds? Before we answer this question, we define first what seed is. Basically it is an embryo small in size which is also covered in a seed coat with stored food inside. It is considered as the product of fertilization process that eventually will produce the plants beginning from the seed.
Did you know that the Acai Berry is considered to be typically a seed? This only means that there is like 15% to 20% part of the Acai Berry which is eaten. Additional information is that people living in Brazil, where the Amazon is located does not consume nor eat the seed part. What they eat is only the part where there is the fruit pulps, and the Acai Berry skin. What do they do with the skin? There are many ways, some throw it or it can be used for other purposes. Why avoid Acai products that use the seed? Are they worth it for your diet & colon cleanse? It is in here where the Acai Berry fruit's nutrients can only be found on its skin, and fruit pulps, and there is no involvement of the pit or seed at all. There were various researches and studies that proved that the Acai Berry fruits' skin and its pulp are of rich in nutrients and for the seed there was none at all.
In addition, after the Brazilians remove the skin and fruit pulps, the seed part are set aside for consumption of their livestock animals as their food, animals like that of pigs, cows, etc. Therefore, the Acai Berry seeds are used as food for the pigs. Seemingly, by this time you are thinking as to why one should avoid products that use the seeds. At the same time, since the seeds are part of the Acai Berry tree itself, the seeds are also used to plant, and grow new batches of Acai Palm trees which will eventually bear Acai Berry fruits.
In summary, there are only two accepted parts of the Acai Berry which aside form its great and rich nutritional content, is very helpful in body for it has a lot of antioxidants that helped the body get slim. These two parts are the Acai Berry skin and the Acai Berry fruit pulps. The seeds are not legitimate source of nutrients and are not good as a product. Indeed, the question on why avoid products that use the seeds and are they worth it for a healthy diet and colon cleanse is answered in this article. Just remember that a pure and perfect 100% Acai product is made our of the Acai Berry's skin and pulp.
There is a lot of talks about Acai Berry right now. I am doing my research on the product now. Can you help me understand this 2 diffferent points of view about Acai Berries.
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