While it is great to talk about such a great fruit there is no point taking it without a good reason. We have compiled a list of benefits that you may receive once you have started taking Acai berry juices.
Good reasons to start consuming Acai berry juices include:
- Increased protection against disease - The phenols contained within the Acai berry help protect the body from disease.
- Provides high level of nutrients - The Acai berry juice has its myriad of antioxidants and other minerals needed to provide nutrients and free radical scavengers.
- Helps increase immune system - The chemical compounds that are found in the Acai berry products have many different benefits some include the fact that some compounds are anti-mutagenic, this in turn helps fight against cellular degeneration. The Acai berry can also help prevent attacks against your DNA.
- Strengthens the body - The Acai berry is said to strengthen the body in many ways and even in sexual responses. In the past it has been called "The Viagra of the Amazon."
- Sense of well-being - The Acai berry contains phytoceuticals which are similar to the compound found in wine grapes. They aid in the fight against weight gain and other key areas like wellness in the mind and body, hence the sense of well being. The other cause for this feeling is the high levels of antioxidants contained within the Acai berry. It is more than 10 times that of grapes and 2 times that of blueberries.
- Restorative abilities - The Acai berry contains high levels of antioxidants and is classified as a "super" or "powerful" food due to the fact they help restore other antioxidants like Vitamins C and E as well as glutathione.
- Helps fight back against diseases - As pathogens, antigens, carcinogens and mutagens enter the body or which have been created by the human metabolism cause havoc to cell membranes and mitochondrial DNA. The Acai berry fights these by the use of phytonutrients and eliminating stress.
- Helps the eyes - Vision is often one thing affected as people get older. This is due to various eye related diseases like glaucoma and macular degeneration. This is reversed however with the aid of the Acai berry's antioxidants and the high levels of antioxidants found in the Acai berry.
- Contains the right fatty acids - The Acai berry contains the right quality fatty acids your body needs like (omega) iron, amino acids, dietary fibre and other vitamins including vitamin P. All of which aid the cells in transferring nutrients in to the cell and performing other important functions.
- Helps with digestion - Enzymes and other co-factors that are seen as vital nutrients in the digestion process are all are found within the Acai berry. It can also assist with acid reflux and other ailments as a result of poor or incorrectly functioning digestive systems.
- Youthful energy- The Acai berry is known for its ability to give a youthful like energy as it strengthens the bodies immune system and freeing up energy for other uses that are needed on a day to day basis.
- Helps lower cholesterol - The Acai berry has some of the same properties as the likes of Olive oil by lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol. These types of fatty acids transport and aid in the absorbency of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.
- Loaded with Vitamins & Minerals - Vitamins B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), C (Ascorbic acid), E (Tocopherols), iron potassium and phosphorous are all vital to the cell's well being. These are all found within the Acai berry.
- Aids the Circulatory System - Flavonoid antioxidants found in the Acai berry aid all aspects of circulatory health. They strengthen the veins, protect against stroke, heart attacks and help stop atherosclerosis.
- Cancer fighting properties - The phytochemicals in the flavonoids (Polyphenols) are anti-mutagenic, first fighting off cancerous causing cells, strengthening the immune system along with other potential physiological effects of anthocyanins include radiation protection, chemo protection, vaso-protective and anti inflammatory agents.
- Lowers sugar levels - The Acai berry is unique as far as fruits sugar levels go. It is one of only a few fruits that have low levels of sugar in it and at the same time helps the body's pancreas regulate the flow of sugar.
- Rich in Iron and Fibre - Iron and fibre are an important part of everyone's dietry needs and this is one of the key features contained within the Acai berry.
- Aids in sleeping disorders - People suffering from sleeping disorders can benefit from the consumption of the Acai berry as it helps people sleep more normally and provides the nutrients to the muscles, helping them perform better and relax better.
- Protein and Amino Acids - The proteins in this cellular building blocks which are Amino acids and components of proteins are found within the Acai berry. This is because the Acai berry has more protein than eggs and is loaded with amino acids.
- Cleansing and detoxifying - The compounds found in the Acai berry are legionary and for centuries in folk law medicine the Acai berry has been used as a way of cleansing and detoxifying the body.
- All the Macro minerals you need - The necessary minerals needed for your body is found within the Acai berry. This includes Potassium, sulphur, magnesium and phosphorous. These are often the main Macro minerals needed that people cannot get enough of. Sulphur is known to improve the fight against acne, magnesium can help women with menopausal complications and potassium has been known to assist in improving heart health.
- The lifestyle change - Once you decide to take Acai on a regular basis, be sure to talk your doctor about your new diet choices to discuss ways to maximize the benefits of Acai in your diet. Making certain improvements to your eating habits, exercising regularly, and taking certain prescribed medication as instructed can all help to make Acai one of your best dietary choices. The end result being that you can significantly change your future health. This being the case it can help you improve your lifestyle and how you live your life. Experience the difference that taking the Acai berry has made to others.
Thank You Very Much for sharing this helpful informative article here.
-- Acai Berry Pure | Acai Pure
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