With the fast growing popularity of the Acai Berry products, it's only fitting that one of the products produced from this little purple berry be some sort of drink or juice. This miracle fruit as it is being touted has more antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins than any other fruit in the world. There are many companies that are joining the cause to produce varieties of Acai Berry drinks or juices for people to enjoy.
With this article, we will provide you with a sampling of the different drinks or juices that are available and where they can be purchased.
The first drink is called "Purple" and was created by Ted Farnsworth, CEO of the Purple Beverage Company. Although many believe that the drink was called purple because of its purple color, Farnsworth states the name came because of "the purple pigment in the fruit provides the highest degree of antioxidant benefit."
This drink contains the juice of some of the world's best antioxidant fruits, black cherry, purple plum, black currant, cranberries and blueberries and the fruit that contains the highest levels of antioxidants in the world - the Acai Berry.
Purple is a sugar-free juice; however, with the combination of fruits, the drink does have a sweet taste. It may take some people some time to get used to the taste. The consistency of the drink is close to that of a pulp-based orange juice. Because the drink is acidic, people that suffer from heartburn may not want to refrain from drinking Purple.
The cost of Purple is $3.00 per bottle and you should know that the FDA has not proved the claims of the drink. However, with the continuing research of the Acai Berry, you will feel a difference when drinking this juice. You will have more energy and stamina, your muscles will become more toned, and you will generally be healthier. Purple can be purchased at local health food stores.
Mona Vie is another premier Acai Berry product with a principle. Each antioxidant supports joint and heart health and each formula distributes key nutrients to help maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. This juice helps to maintain the body's overall health. Mona Vie has had presentations on the Oprah and Rachael Ray shows. Although a bit pricy at $45.00 per bottle, which can be found at local health food stores, Mona Vie can maintain healthy cholesterol levels, promote weight loss, and in general make you feel healthier.
The last product that is the most affordable and can be found in local grocery stores in Campbell Soup's version of the V8 V-Fusion Acai Berry Juice. This juice also contains all of the antioxidants and nutrients of the Acai Berry; however, Campbell's' has gone one-step further by providing versions of the Acai Berry juice with an assortment of different fruits. This option of many varieties provides the consumer the choice in selecting which type of juice they want to drink.
Whichever Acai Berry juice you purchase, drink it with the knowledge that you are drinking the juice manufactured from one of the most powerful fruits in the world. A fruit that will help you to live a long and healthy life.
There is a lot of talks about Acai Berry right now. I am doing my research on the product now. Can you help me understand this 2 diffferent points of view about Acai Berries.
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Acai Berry Reviews
These days acai berry products are growing rapidly through out the world and can be purchased near to your place. People are now came to know about acai berry juice which helps them to lose weight.
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