Acai Juice Secrets - Essential Facts You Should Know

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 ·

The palm tree where the most healthful fruit came from, originated from the rain forest of South and Central America, whereas this palm called Acai is recognized for its capacity and aptitude to grant you with several health benefits. The Acai berry is a purple colored, about an inch fruit that encloses large quantity of amino acids, antioxidants, calcium, essential fatty acids and other nourishment's. You can take pleasure on it in variety of forms, but if you do not reside in South or Central America, the juice of Acai is your best bet. To learn about the numerous advantages that you can get from this fruit drink, it is essential that you gain knowledge of the Acai juice secrets.

The Acai juice secrets will tell you a lot why this fruit was perceived by many people as "super food", wherein your body can be granted with endurance, energy, vigor, including increased strength and stamina because of the carbohydrate content of the Acai fruit. The Acai juice secrets also delineate that when you totally incorporate this juice in your daily diet, you will exhibit improved digestion process, thus making your digestive functioning to become very efficient. The juice of Acai can inflate the walls of your colon, which can steer clear any possibility of continuous contractions and painful spasms. The healthful components of the Acai juice can provide you with mental agility and awareness, better sleep and can also facilitate a healthy weight loss.

Acai BerryMost people consume an egg to give their body the protein it requires, though, you don't need to eat eggs daily since one of the Acai juice secrets acquaint you with the huge protein content of the juice of Acai in a single serving. In actual fact, you can get several vitamins and minerals from this drink, since it has Thiamin known as B1, Riboflavin otherwise called as B2, B3 acknowledged as Niacin, Vitamin C and E-Tocopheral. On the other hand, the minerals that your body can obtain from this fruit drink are phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron.

Other Acai juice secrets can inform you about the huge amount of antioxidants the fruit drink encloses. Some people believe that the best fruit, which can endow their body with huge quantity of antioxidants, are the blueberries, but you should recognize that the Acai fruit juice contains more than thirty times of antioxidants over the content of the blueberries. Acai has high levels of flavonoids and anthocyanins, which are potent antioxidants.

The main function of antioxidants in your body is its capacity to maintain and stabilize the health of your heart together with all the other important organs, whereas it can make your blood flow and circulation in your lipids become steady. If you make it a point that you give at least fifteen to thirty minutes a day to work out, one of the best Acai juice secrets is that the minerals and quantifiable amino acids in this fruit drink can assist you to build your muscles in no time, improved your physical condition and give you more staying power daily.

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