Why a Colon Cleanse Can Save Your Life? - Colon Cleansing Information

Friday, February 26, 2010 ·

The colon is one of the most ignored organs in the human body. We brush and clean our teeth, exercise to improve our cardiovascular health, and then we go out and eat fast food and processed food because we have worked out and we "deserve" it. Unfortunately, it is the colon that has to pay for this kind of behavior and when toxins build up in the colon, it makes the whole human body feel lethargic, uncomfortable and sick. The colon is a waste disposal system for the body with toxin and parasites and needs to be regularly cleansed. The sludge also adds ugly inches to our stomach and waste line and no amount of exercise or workout can remove it.Acai Berry

Toxins are the immediate result of poor lifestyle choices. A poor diet that includes a lot of fast food, processed food, and white sugar is responsible for the toxin build up. The Standard American Diet (SAD) for most American´s consists of high levels of preservatives and ultra-high level fat content foods. Environmental toxins such as air pollution and being around cigarette smoke don not help either. Antibiotics destroy the natural flora in your intestines and leave room for bad bacteria and parasites to take up residence. Today's lifestyle has added toxins to our bodies that we would not have dealt with before refined and processed foods became the norm in our diets. Waste elimination is more important than ever, and it is one of the most ignored issues that we choose not to face today. Acidic waste needs to be flushed out of the body otherwise it can lead to severe illnesses.

The faster that waste is eliminated from the body, the less time that waste sits in our intestines spreading toxins to our bloodstream. Waste elimination is essential for better health. Another danger that is posed by slow moving waste, is that it can get stuck to the colon walls and make it more difficult for other waste products to move through. This build-up manifests itself in the way you look, feel, and act.

Acne and other skin problems are a sign that you may need a colon cleanse. Skin problems are often the result of malnutrition as well as increased weight gain and fatigue. When the colon is overworked, it is not working as efficiently as it should The toxins show up as acne and other skin conditions.

Colon cancer is another major concern. It is not healthy for waste, which is meant to be eliminated from the body, to stay in your colon for weeks. If you are not having 1-3 bowel movements a day, the waste is sitting in your colon. Colon cancer is the number one cancer found among men and women together, since this is such a big problem, and the rates have risen over the past century, it stands to reason that cleansing the colon once a year can help ensure that there is no waste stuck in your colon that may lead to colon cancer.

According to Dr. Oz on a TV Show the people who went through the cleansing had multiple health benefits, including 25% reduction in cholesterol 10 % reduction in blood pressure and almost all lost about 10 % from their belly region. The fibers inside the colon cleanser wash out all of the junk preventing them from sitting in the colon, irritating the cells and slowly going toxic and rotting there.Why a Colon Cleanse Can Save Your Life? - Colon Cleansing Information

While getting a colon cleanse is important for your health, there are other lifestyle changes that should be made in conjunction with the cleanse. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day helps flush toxins out of your body and keeps waste moving through your colon. On top you stay hydrated and your metabolism works faster, means it helps burning more fat. Raw fiber is another important addition to your daily health regimen. A colon cleanse and lifestyle change will set you up for a lifetime of good health.

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