Food - With their pre-packaged meals Jenny Craig makes it easy to follow their diet plan. They teach you how to make good choices and identify habits that get most dieters into trouble.
Body - Jenny Craig will teach you the importance of increasing your activity and its relation to successfully losing weight. They will teach you how to slowly increase your physical fitness levels with a customized program for you and your abilities.
Mind - Jenny Craig provides consultants to help and support you through the weight loss process. Their goal is to teach you how to eat healthy and eventually wean yourself off their pre-packaged meals.
Jenny Craig offers support options for just about everyone. They have numerous Weight-loss Centers in the United States and Canada you can visit each week and meet with a consultant for that one-on-one personal touch or for the busy individual, you can sign up for their at-home program and meet with a consultant on phone each week. There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these options.
If you visit their Weight Loss Centers, you can pick up your pre-packaged meals for the following week. If you select the at-home plan, your meals will be delivered to your front door by Fedex but you will incur additional costs for shipping.
How does Jenny Craig work when eating out? Most of us are not going to enter a restaurant and ask the cook to warm up a pre-packaged meal for us. This is where your weekly meeting with your consultant can save you from making a dieting mistake. Your consultant can prepare you for your night out and help you make good choices when ordering meals.
Does this program work?
Yes, you will lose weight with Jenny Craig but it's not perfect.
The costs of the program can add up quickly. If you have a few pounds to lose this is not a problem. On the other hand, if you have 15 to 20 pounds or more to lose, this could get very expensive by the time you reach your goal weight. Once you reach your goal weight and stop using the packaged meals, some people find it difficult to maintain their weight.
Jenny Craig has it's advantages and it will work if you follow their plan, commit to weekly meetings and can afford it.