Finding free Acai Berry Supplement offers online is fairly easy. New companies producing these supplements are sprouting up daily. There are many free trial offers, asking only that you pay the shipping charges. Acai berry products are really hot today and American manufacturers are taking advantage of this.
The acai berry can be found growing in the rainforests of Brazil on a specific palm tree. The Brazilian people have been eating acai berries straight from the tree as one of their main staples. Many specialty food items are produced from acai berries which are extremely fragile, therefore must be freeze dried after harvesting. The acai berry is alleged to taste like chocolate and red wine, small in size and purple in color.
The acai berries are new to the American public, but getting a lot of publicity due to their healthy contents. Many vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants are present in the berry. Many well known celebrities are claiming significant weight loss from taking acai berry supplements.
1. increase in energy and vitality
2. improved circulation
3. sound sleep
4. slows the aging process
5. skin texture and tone improved
6. weight loss
7. immune system strengthening
These claims could get most people on the bandwagon to try the free acai berry supplement. Acai berries are a food product, and to date there have been no side effects reported.
When ordering your free acai berry supplement do your research into the many companies advertising online. The word free can be extremely misleading. Reading the small print will avoid disappointments and aggravation at a later date. Companies that have only one product should be considered carefully.
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