The Low Down on Acai Berry Juice

Friday, August 6, 2010 ·

Acai has been found in the rainforests of South America and a bay with the masses in his home for several generations. Pronounced "ah-sigh-ee, has the Acai Berry Juice recently the subject of a health craze in North America are complemented by the creation of a selection of acai drinks, health products, and weight loss.

The bay is a popular ingredient in health drinks and supplements that many believe it contains antioxidants that can make the improvements in the well-being.

Acai Berry Juice is said to have twice the amount of antioxidants as blueberries and ten times more grapes. In addition, if you enjoy the nutritional benefits described wine, you will be pleased to learn about the level of anthocyanins, are 10-30 times higher in the acai fruit in red wine.

Nutrition Reviews are very positive and the acai berry has the ranks of the pomegranate, Goji berries, and others go to "super food" status. The acai berry has attracted the attention of the headlines and become the subject of many articles, and perhaps his greatest popularity has been Accelerator Oprah, as in the famous Dr. Nicholas Perricone doctor.

The berries have the item in many fruit juices is highlighted with a long list of health benefits, with beverages Berry on the list. Benefits include increased energy, anti-aging, improved sleep and health of the heart sound, just to name a few. And with a big problem for many is whether acai berries could be a factor in the fight against cancer. There are studies that are ready to clarify the role of antioxidants in acai berries destroy cancer cells.

Declarations of Acai benefits in recent years, many consumers of its value, which was due to the growing number of Acai products covered in the market. Today you will discover a variety of rich Acai Berry Products of beverages with a share of Acai Berry Juice, Acai pulp freezing and powder, weight loss supplements, acai was added to flavored drinks. It is important to note, however, that all products are manufactured by reputable companies Acai. In this context, no research that drinking Acai Berry or the use of dietary supplements acai is suspect in weight loss can result.

The accounts of the benefits of Acai and expanded the popularity of acai beverages and health products ordered has tried a number of celebrities and professional athletes to get the train. Several of them say that acai berries in their diet to include nutrition monitoring significant changes in their life, performance and well-being.

Indigenous Amazonians have recognized the benefits of the acai berry, both nutritional and medicinal and included this fruit in their diet for centuries. They usually drink acai juice to eat from the Bay of dough or Acai pulp itself. The berries have long been recognized by the local population to have value in improving the immune system, and were even called Viagra "Amazon" for its energy properties!


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